Tuesday, September 20, 2011


--Rice is the best thing in the whole entire world. Rice, thank you for being so bland and unsalty. I really appreciate it.

--"Hombres Trabajando" sounds so much better than "Men Working"

--I'm afraid that my math teacher might disappear in the middle of a math lesson... I think he is slowly fading away, and that might be a good thing.. For some reason he hates me because I finished my math homework even though I can't speak Spanish...

--Precalculus is just as terrible and boring in Chile, and I'm so thankful that we are studying logarithms right now, because that is the only thing I remember from last year.

--Does anyone else find the fact that I had tuna noodle casserole for lunch hilarious?! Because I do. Tuna noodle casserole, in Chile! Yeah, that's weird.

--The Simpsons is not at all funny when you can't understand what is being said. However, the Chilean version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire is hilarious.

--The Chilean version of meatloaf is something that I like to call 'fishloaf'. It's just as strange.

--I can tell that my brothers think that I am part of the family now, because they progressively getting more obnoxious. On the other hand though, today Seba picked a bunch of flowers for me, and it was the cutest thing. By the way, the twins are 9, Max is 13, Franco is 15, and Alvaro (an honorary brother) is also 15.

--I could definitely get used to having desert twice a day... Haha.

--Inside jokes are bad enough when you understand what's being said but not why it's funny. They are worse when you don't even understand what is being said... They could be talking about you, and you wouldn't even know...

--Franco and Max both have girlfriends which they didn't tell me about (Max even went so far as to deny the existence of his girlfriend). It seems like everyone is dating somebody here or looking to date somebody, a fact which I cannot get used to. And I'm a little worried that Seba and Domi have girlfriends that they are not telling me about... I mean, where does it stop?!!

--I need some more chocolate, pronto!!

--- Chao! --Grace

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