Monday, October 31, 2011

And here's where I left off...

So, again, summary of the last few days for you:

Thursday, Rotary meeting. Of course I happened to be incredibly sick, and so it wasn't fun for me at all. Then I spent the night at Eduardo's house.

Friday, I went to school and then went home for lunch at Eduardo's. After a really long and much needed nap, Carolina took me to the river, where we walked around, played foosball, ate churros (my favorite!) and I tried  mote con huesillos, which is a typical Chilean drink that consists of syrupy water with corn and dried peaches in it.
Then the two of us went home and made empanadas for dinner, which were delicious. And then, we took Robin and Taylor and some of Carolina's friends to a 'club'. But we couldn't go to a real club, because none of us foreign kids were 18/had a fake I.D., so we went to this sketchy place where we knew they wouldn't card us. It was... interesting. There was a lot of drinking, a lot of drugs, some really cool rapping, and some not-as-cool fire breathing (which mixed with the drinking and drugs was incredibly terrifying). But it was an experience.

Saturday I went to my abuelo's 80th birthday party. It lasted from 1pm to midnight, and was really tiring.

Sunday I hung out with Robin, and I bought myself a really nice camera, and as soon as I have a free moment, I will upload some pictures. Then we went to Mayella (from Holland)'s birthday. Taylor and I stayed the night at her house, and we didn't fall asleep until 7 in the morning. It was really nice to be at a slumber party and be able just to talk, you know? To be able to understand people is so nice.

Today is Halloween!! I slept until noon, came home for lunch and am now waiting very impatiently for Emilio to wake up, so that Claudia can ask him if I can get a ride into Talca, to spend the night at Taylor's. We decided we are either gonna try to go trick-or-treating or find a Halloween party to go to, because it wouldn't feel right if we didn't do anything...

So, yeah. I'm going to try really hard to be better at updating my blog, I think the posts are way more interesting when I only have a few things to write about, not a few days. I think that I'm getting way more used to Chilean life, I'm becoming busier and things are becomming more routine and less novelty. So it's a little harder to write about.

Anyway, I'm gonna mess around with my camera and figure out the best way to get these darn photos up. I'll let you know.

Love and hugs!

Friday, October 28, 2011

yes, I have an excuse


I've been a deadly combination of sick, tired and busy this past week, and I have either had no time to write or was just way too out of it to do anything that requires thinking.
These last few days, I have been starting posts and but not having enough time to finish them, because so much has happened in the last week that it takes so long to organize my thoughts, let alone actually write it all.
I went back and read all of my 'post beginnings' just now, and almost none of them actually made sense, because, like I said, I've been out of it.

I'm feeling a tiny bit better, and I think I have some time now, because Carolina is dead asleep in the next room (I'll explain later) so I'm gonna quick sum up where I last left off:

Friday night, my parents took me to Linares with Franco for a cousin's conception. I was kind of upset about having to go, because I missed a party, but ended up having a lot of fun. The actual ceremony didn't last too long, and afterward we went to a celabratory party that was really awkward at first because I didn't know anybody, but turned out to be really fun.

Saturday, I did my usual Saturday thing, which involved completos and shopping and hanging out in the center with the other exchange students. Pretty much, my favorite thing to do :)

Sunday, I went to church with the family, and then was told by Claudia that I needed a 'lazy day' which meant no computer or going into the center or hanging out with friends, which was a little sad, because thats exactly what I wanted to do, but it was sunny so I just layed outside in the sun and listened to music and slept. So it was alright.

Monday... I feel like something interesting might've happened on Monday? Shoot, I can't remember..? It was a school day, so... Oh! No, nevermind, I didn't do anything on Monday except go to school. Sorry for getting your hopes up.

Tuesday!!! Festival de Ingles! Dirty dancing!
Despite my extreme lack of practice, everything went.. well, as smooth as I could've hoped for. I feel like Chileans are really casual about things like that, what I mean, is, we didn't have a dress rehearsal or anything, and not really that much practice scheduled practices, either.

The dance went fine, except for three things. One, the performance before us consisted of my brother Franco riding a bicycle around the stage, for the Chilean movie Machuca. Because there were no dress rehearsals, we weren't told where to exit or enter the stage, and he exited right where we were supposed to enter, and blocked our way with his bicycle. So we were a little late, and didn't match the movie on the screen behind us. Two, I was the tinsiest bit late putting my arm up. But not that much. Three, I was soooo excited when it was over, that it was done, and almost perfect, that I did a little hopping/skipping thing off the stage which looks completely unprofessional, but probably I got away with it because everybody thinks I'm cute.

There will be a video!!! Once I get it.

Okay, that's it for this post I think, because Carolina's awake now.

(I'm spending yesterday and today with my Rotary counselor, Eduardo, and his daughter, Carolina, who went on exchange a few years ago to Windsor, CA. The two of us are going to go to something this afternoon, so I was writing this while I waited for her to wake up.)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lazy Thursday

Today I had a very lazy day, it was fantastic. Claudia let me stay home from school to catch up on sleep (which I really needed, yesterday I slept during EVERY class, a new record). I slept until noonish, ate breakfast, went for a run (which turned out to be a bad idea, it was sooo hot that I almost died... Usually I run at night, after school, so it's not a problem), ate lunch, and spent the rest of the day lying in the sun with Tonka, my puppy, and listening to music. I just finished dinner, and am now watching synchronized swimming with Max on tv while i drink my tea. Ohmygoodness, I feel so grown up and fancy writing "while I drink my tea"... I could go have tea with the queen and fit right in. Pinkies up, folks!

Anyway, this is what I really want to know:
Do these girls have things to help them breathe underwater, because, if not, they are mutants. And if they do, then how the heck can this be considered a sport? If I didn't have to breathe, like, if I was a zombie or something, I could synchronized swim too. It doesnt look that hard... Why does anyone like watching this? Half of the time, all you can see is their feet... They could be picking their noses under water, and you would NEVER know... AND, they are NEVER perfectly synchronized either. Whats up with that?
Now, what I think would be waaayy more interesting is if they did the whole dance completely under water and you could watch from behind a glass wall, like how it is at aquariums. This blog post is gonna revolutionize the world of synchronized swimming, just you wait and see...

Oh, by the way, Mommy, earlier Seba was watching with us, and he was telling me, in Spanglish, how stupid he thought "baile de piscina" is. And I thought of you and your swimming pool photos and started cracking up.

That's all, really. Sorry my day wasn't more exciting...
Love you all! --Gracie

Saturday, October 15, 2011


So, today, I did absolutley nothing. Really, I haven't done anything. I think the highlight of my day was that I had cereal for breakfast, and even that wasn't that exciting, because apparently NOBODY in this country has regular milk, and I had to eat my cereal with yogurt.

But you don't really want to hear about my breakfast. What you probably DO want to hear about is Ice Alive, the party that my class in school threw last night....

I suppose I should start from the very beginning, though. Yesterday afternoon, I met up with Robin and Mayella and Hanna in Talca... and we really did nothing exept hang out and talk, but it was really fun anyway. And later, Kelly came and joined us, but Taylor couldn't, because she had got in a huge fight with her host mom. But, then she called us to say that her host dad, who she was on good terms with, said that maybe it would be better if she left the house for a few hours, so the five of us walked the 11 blocks to Taylor's house to pick her up. And Kelly and I picked flowers and put them in an empty sprite bottle (yes, technically, the flpeers were stolen from people's yards, but it was for a good cause, I swear) and all the Eurpoeans called Kelly and I silly for picking flowers, but when we did get to Taylit's house, she was crying and our sprite-bottle flowers cheered her up. :)

*Taylor and her host parents are meeting with Rotary today to get things straightened out, because Taylor and her host mom really do not get along... I think because they just have very different personalities. But anyway..*

Oh! And then we decided to take a collectivo (taxi) back to the center of town, because everyone was complaining that their feet hurt, and the six of us shared one taxi (even though the limit is 4 passengers) and that was absolutely crazy and exciting, because taxi drivers ere drive like they do in New York (actually, every driver here drives insanely, not just the taxis)... The taxi driver was super nice though; probably he never had six passengers who were all foreign and 4 of whom were blonde in his taxi at one time before... I'm sure we spiced up his day :D

And then we spent the evening hanging out and eating dinner and cheering up Taylor (pretty successfully, I'd say) and then everyone went home except Taylor and I, who went to Robin's house to hang out before Ice Alive started.

So we got ready (which pretty much entailed convincing Kelly's dad to let her come, too, and talking to people on Robin's Facebook, because none of us had brought with us any clothes or anything to actually get ready with) and then picked up Kelly, and the four of us went to the party.

So we stood outside for a long time, and talked to some of my school friends who I'm pretty sure were trying to sell the last of their tickets, and I think I was supposed to be doing that, too, but, whatever, I'm playing the foreign kid card.. Anyway, we stood outside talking to Francisco and Vicente for a long time, and then we went inside, and continued to talk to Francisco and Vicente for a long time, and then we started dancing. Francisco danced with Kelly, who could actually dance pretty well, and I dances with Vicente in what I imagine was probably really stupid/crazy looking, (but whatever, I was having fun) and you could say Taylor and Robin danced together, but really what they did was stand next to eachother and wave their hands around.

Later I danced with some other boys in my class, and Robin and Taylor left to go sit upstairs and talk.

And then, Kelly and I decided that we should go all out and not care what anyone thinks and just be crazy gringas together, because why not? So the two of us grabbed hands and ran through the crowd, screaming and cheering and fist-pumping, and every few minutes we would stop and do the stupidest American dances we could think of... And were just generally crazy. Everytime we stopped to dance, all of the people dancing around us would stop dancing and just stare at us.. It was really funny. And apparently this made us really, really popular, because then at least two dozen guys asked the two of us to dance, and sometimes we'd say yes, and dance with them for awhile, and then go off and be crazy again. And it was really fun. Taylor and Robin were really embarrassed by the two of us, but I'm pretty sure that Kelly and I started a new trend... At the next dance, I think everyone will be dancing just like us :)

The party was over at three, but our ride came at 2:30, and I really didn't want to go. Kelly and I are looking forward to the next party, soooo much.

Te amo! Love, Gracie

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dirty Dancing

So... You know how I said that I was going to dance as Sandy from Grease for my schools English film festival? Well, that's not happening... Instead I get to be Baby from dirty dancing. I think I like this better, because I get to wear a floaty dress instead of leather (although I was totally planning on using grease as an excuse to buy a leather jacket)... But, if anyone has zumba-ed with me before.. You know how much I just loooove to salsa. And, by that, I mean I'm horrible at it. Jorge and I practiced for the first time today. Pretty much I just did everything wrong over and over again and the five other kids watching us would try to tell me what to do, but, of course, none of them could say it in English, so I had no clue what I was supposed to be doing the whole time. The only thing I understood was when they'd say "Grace, look more sexy!" and I imagine what they wanted to say was "Grace, you look constipated!". Because I'm sure I looked very awkward and silly, and I'm sure everyone watching found it hilarious.

Yeah, I definitely, actually had something else to write about, but now I'm thinking about Dirty Dancing and have "the time of my life" stuck in my head and I honestly can't remember... Oh well.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hello again

Hello again :)

I had a very good day today, actually. I got an email from Elaine (emails rock, guys. Email me and I'll love you forever) and Taylor wrote me a hilarious letter and delivered via my bewildered grandpa, which made it even more special and funny. And my Spanish is actually getting better I think. Everyone speaks so fast that it's sooo hard to understand, but when I write notes with my friends I can understand most things, and I can talk a little more. Everyday it gets a little better I think, but I still have those days where I feel like I speak no Spanish and am the stupidest person on earth... Quite often I feel like that, actually.

Let's see, today I got another history lesson about Pinochet and Allende from my school friends. It was intense, as usual. I thought everybody hated Pinochet before I got here, but it turns out Chileans are actually very split. You either hate him or love him (and love Allende or hate Allende) depending on who your family is. And it makes everyone quite crazy, apparently. "He's lying!! Let me tell you the real story!!". And here I am thinking "you guys both told me theexact same thing"

Mmm... On Monday we had no school for Columbus Day, I believe, and I went shopping with Robin and Taylor (and Kelly and Johanna, but they weren't there for this particular event). Anyway, Taylor accidentally bought eyeshadow that she thought was 3.000 pesos but really was 30.000 pesos (which is like $6 v. $60, AKA, BIG difference) and because she bought it with a credit card, she didn't realize until too late. Long story short, things got complicated, and it would've been useful if we knew more Spanish. So, the three of us spent like 45 minutes doing everything wrong and going to the wrong places to fix things, and this adorable clerk who spoke a teeny bit of English kept having to correct us over and over again. And I found this whole thing hilarious, because Robin and Taylor kept making things worse and I was an innocent bystander. So of course I had to tease them mercilessly the whole time. So the last time that we went to the wrong register I said "Ahh, we're just stupid Americans!" and the clerk turns around and says "No, of course not! Don't think that!" and I didn't even know that he could understand me, but it really made my day. It was cute.

And yesterday was the huge Peru v. Chile soccer game, and I watched it with my family and am discovering that I really like watching soccer. And I'm sure I will like it even more when I can actually understand what the announcers are saying. And Chile won, by the way, in case you were wondering.

Thats all for now!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Not your grandma's bingo

So yesterday, Claudia tells me "Grace, you and Taylor are going to bingo tonight. Call her right now and tell her." I kinda felt like I was being thrown out of the house, but later realized that the rest of the family was going to a cousin's birthday party and didn't want me to be bored. Because the last cousin's birthday party I went to, I was definitely bored and I think the family knew it. So I ended up going to bingo night at De La Salle (Taylor and Kelly's school) with the two of them, and a few of their school friends.

I was expecting some little thing, with not that many people, maybe in a classroom or something. But when Franco and I arrived (Franco used to go to De La Salle and has his own friends there) he told me "Call Taylor and find out where they are" and I replied "They're at bingo". "Yes, Grace, butn bingo is big."

Big was an understatement. The whole gym was filled with people, and not just the tables, but the bleachers too. There must have been at least 500 people there, probably more. When we walked in, the bingo host was wearing a sparkly silver tuxedo and singing a song to applausal and catcalls from the audience. It was intense.

Ahhhh, Max just turned off all the lights to "save money" and now I cant see the keyboard. Which is not good, because this is a Spanish keyboard. I dont know where the apostrophe key is.  If my typing gets really bad, its not my fault, i swear. ç

Anyway, the craziest part of kbingo night was during the halftime show. Yes, this bingo was so intense that it had its own halftime show. The bingo host sang some more songs, and some "dancers" came on stage that looked anylod danced like prositutes. The host invited some people from the audience to dance with them, too, and at one point they started ripping one mans jacket off.... Thankfully, everyone stayed mostly clothed....

Meanwhile Kelly and Taylor and I are staring in shock and going "IS THIS NORMAL?!!". This was at a Catholic school for goodness sakes. Crazy. But, it was really fun.

Yeah, so that was my adventure...

Friday, October 7, 2011


Today was jeans day at school, AKA for-only-300-pesos-you-don't-have-to-wear-your-uniform-and-somehow-the-seniors-think-they-will-make-money-off-of-this-day. And I felt really uncomfortable not wearing my uniform... Really. And it wasnt like my clothes were bad or anything, because everybody kept complimenting me... It just, I don't know, felt wrong.

But seriously, when I come home, and don't have to wear a uniform again, I might actually die. Or I might just wear my Chilean uniform to school and start a new fashion statement. Who knows.

rugby, guitars, biology and OHMYGOD!! I WAS MISTAKEN FOR A LOCAL!!!

Yes!! I got asked for directions today from a random stranger. As I was sitting on a bench outside my school, waiting to get picked up (school had finished an hour ago, but my host parents are generally late; thankfully, they only pick me up from school on Fridays) two women came up to me an started speaking in Spanish, and I was like noooooooooo! and was just opening my mouth to say "no hablo mucho español" and then I realized, wait, I actually understand what she said. she wants to know where uno norte is... I know where that is... and I was soooo surprised, that I dumbly pointed in the right direction, while making a very stupid face. And then, they ended up going in the wrong way (I don't know how you can misunderstand a freaking point!) but oh well, my directions were right and they probably found it in the end, because Talca has the easiest street system ever. The four streets surrounding the outside plaza are uno norte, uno sur, uno poniente, and uno oriente. (north, south, west and east). And as they go away from the square, they become dos norte, tres norte, etc. until you get to the outskirts of town. It's convenient...

It's raining right now, and the house is super cold... I miss you, central heating.

And now it's thundering too. A lot of thundering. Muchas truenos. At first, I just thought it was a car going down the street, but a dozen Chileans on Facebook were like "Ahhh truenos!!" Ahh facebook. The otter day, when Steve Jobs died, I only knew about it because of Facebook. In fact, my Facebook had a whole section: "So and so and 32 other friends posted about Steve Jobs" thank you, Facebook, for becoming my news site :P

In school, my friend Luis is teaching me how to play the guitar. I'm really really excited by this... I wish I had a guitar here at home to practice on, right now I just use te school's. When I get back, I am stealing yours, Rachel, for sure. :) I can now play a little bit of 'I want to hold your hand' (Luis knows lots of Beatles songs... I taught him how to sing the words to 'I've just seen a face' the other day, for anyone here from orchestra). Our school doesn't have enough money for toilet paper or soap in the bathrooms, but our class has it's own guitar... I don't get it.
Guitar lessons are pretty much the only thing interesting happening at school. Otherwise, it's hours and hours of boringness. Today, we had to do biology work in partners, and while my partner answered all the questions, I translated the questions into English. I kinda feel like I gypped him a little... Sorry, Jorge, that you got stuck with the foreign girl... Maybe the biology teacher will give us extra credit for my awesome Spanish skills?

On second thought, Jorge chose to be my partner... I totally don't feel guilty anymore.

Oh, also, my friend taught me how to throw a rugby ball. And I was actually good at it. And for two seconds I was like "I could play rugby" and then I came back to reality. In which I am barely 5'2" and have hands to small to play pool, and would absolutely get trampled by ferocious girl rugby players... Yeah... Maybe not.

Yep. Okay. That's all. Really.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

mi amigas de intercambio son el mejor-est :)

Soooo, I feel like I haven't posted in forever, even though I'm pretty sure it's only been like three days. I have absolutely no perception of time here, which I guess is sorta okay, because it's SUCH a Chilean thing, to not know the time. They never know what time it is or care, and are late to everything. I don't think there is a single working clock in my house....

Nothing THAT interesting has happened....

I've been hanging out with my exchange friends a lot lately... which is awesome because they are crazy and amazing and I have the best times with them. Rotary would not be so happy, but I am becomming closer with my friends at school too, so thats good. :)

Lets see, on Monday, Robin, Franco, Taylor, Mayella and I went to go see Rise of the Planet of the Apes at the cinema, because they were having a special once-a-month deal where the movie was only 1,000 pesos, the equivalent of two dollars. But, it was all sold out. So we didn't see Planet of the Apes after all. But, we did go eat completos, (can i just say again how freaking awesome these Chilean hot dogs are?) and have a really good time anyway.

Today and tomorrow, the third year students are taking the Chilean equivalent of the SATs, so Robin and I don't have school. Today the two of us went shopping for an hour or so, and then met up with Kelly and Taylor and just hung out on the plaza. And laughed a lot. I have so much fun with those three. In fact, we laughed so much, that a random old man came up to us, and although he was really hard to understand, he told us something along the lines of "please calm down. when you laugh so hard I can't think anymore". But then he started talking to the air and asking random strangers if they wanted some of his churro, so we didn't take him too seriously...

Oh, and I bought new shoes! And they are awesome. :) And Robin bought a plain white t-shirt, and apparently he needs a gray sweater to go with it, (and I am in desparate need of some shirts) so we are going shopping again tomorrow with Taylor and Kelly.  Really, Robin is the most fashionable guy I have ever met. And, he has a batman shirt, and when he wore it the first time, he was like "Look, it's batman and Robin!". Ahhh, this kid is awesome.

By the way, you can buy the BEST churros here. There's this truck that makes them fresh and sells them, and by now, the churro guys recognize us so we don't even have to speak good spanish to order some. And they always give us extra churros because they are awesomely amazing. And because we are blonde. :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Best Day :)

I just had the best day yesterday. And now, I am in a semi-awake state of pumped/exhausted. Finally, all of us Talca exchangers were able to get together and hang out, and, oh my goodness, not only is it so awesome to be with people who speak the same language as you, but, also, I am living in the same city as some awesome people. 

First, I met up with Mayella from Holland, and Robin from Germany on the plaza in downtown Talca, and my host brother Franco happened to see us and join us, which was cool because he is also good friends with Robin and it is nice to have someone fluent in Spanish with you. So the four of us bought some soda and chips and stuff, and snacked in the park and listened to music and talked about exchange life, and it was soo nice. 

And then, Kelly and Taylor, from Oklahoma and Illinois, met up with us, an we went shopping at all the big department stores, which was cool just to see them, but Taylor and I decided that everything was way to expensive for our lowly exchanger budgets, and went off on our own to find cheap hopping, which we did. And I'm pretty sure none of the Chileans that I know would have approved at me shopping at those places, because it was rows of street vendors, and little shops that were barely nicer than street vendors, and Chileans are just kind of like that, I think. But, to me and Taylor, it was awesome. And I definitely need to go back there, because I don't have very much clothes here, and it was soo cheap. I went in to one shop, and pretty much bought everything I liked (but some of it was gifts, so I am not completely selfish) and I only spent four dollars. It was shopping heaven...

Then the six of us met back up, and went to get completos for lunch. Completos are Chilean hot dogs, and they are way better than American hot dogs, and really traditional Chilean. And we discovered, that while we were out adventuring in the street market, Franco and Robin had bought all of us these little charms that said our names on them and 'Chile' and they had to get them specially made because obviously our names are not common in Chile. And Franco and Robin, who are best friends, made one that said 'Franco + Robin' and all of us girls just about started crying it was sooo adorable. They are seriously the sweetest couple of guys that I have ever known, and I could write a book about all the cute and funny things the two of them did yesterday, but I won't. 

Then Mayella told us that she and some friends from school were going to a discotheque that night, and as none of the rest of us had any plans, we made plans to go with her. But that didn't work out, because the rest of us were under 18 and our host parents said that they probably wouldn't let us in, even though thy probably would, just because we are foreign and blonde, but whatever. 

Franco and I had an invitation to go to a friends house from school, so we decided to do that instead, and Robin and Taylor were able to come.

It wasn't quite as exciting as we'd hoped, I think Taylor and I were really hoping to go dancing, but it was fun anyway, and it was nice to get to know some of the guys from school better, and to talk with Taylor and Robin who are both hilarious, Robin especially. Taylor and I spent the whole evening cracking up at everything Robin did, to the point of rolling on the ground laughing, and the Chileans pretty much thought we were insane, because obviously they didn't understand why it was funny. And I was taught how to play pool, which I am terrible at, but I blame it on the fact that my hands are tiny and don't fit around the pool stick. I'm serious. I cannot get my hands in the right position. And Taylor was barely better than me, so even though all of the boys were totally cheating for us, and pushing the balls in the right direction, we still both only get one ball in. And then, we were taught how to play soccer on the xbox, and we were even worse at that. We both scored on our own goals, it was pathetic. But very entertaining to everyone else, apparently. And afterwards, Franco and Taylor and I took the sketchy-est taxi home, because some girls who go to Taylor's school and are apparently way to cool for everyone else, stole our taxi, even though they knew it was ours. And Taylor and I were really scared that something bad was gonna happen, because it wasn't even really a taxi we were in, just a car with a radio and a driver, but, we got home okay, and it was only six dollars, which was awesome. 

And now, I'm waiting very patiently and quietly for Franco to wake up, because we slept at my Grandma's house in the city so that we wouldn't have to take the taxi all the way to Pelarco. And it's 11 o'clock and he's still sleeping, and not only is he sleeping, but he is talking in his sleep, and while its very entertaning, there is absolutely nothing to do, no internet or anything, and I am writing this on the notepad of my iPod. But I'm almost finished... And I kinda want to go find a drugstore, because I really need some deodorant and a new toothbrush, but I think if he woke up and I was gone, it would be really bad, and I don't know who to ask or how to ask because I don't have a dictionary on me, because of course, nobody told me I would be doing anything tonight after the party, so I have nothing except my iPod and my wallet... So probably I will stew on this dilemma a little more, and maybe I will find a solution...

Anyway, it was a really, really, good day, and I am friends with some awesome people, and we are planning to do this again next weekend, because Johanna from Germany couldn't come, but mostly cause we just had so much fun. :)

Chao! Grace

P.S. Also, it was awesome to be with exchange students, because pretty much every Chilean I know smokes and drinks (except one), and some of my exchange student friends don't smoke or drink either. So I'm not alone!  

P.P.S. He's awake!!! Yes!

P.P.P.S. In your third 'p.s.' do you add another 'p' or another 's'? 
Anyway, I just thought some of you would be interested to know that I just ate pecan pie for breakfast, because I was hungry, and that's what there was.