Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mass! (Ahhhh!)

Finally got a real school uniform and things feel so much better!! I was wearing Max and Emilio's old sweatpants and they didn't fit, weren't comfortable, and looked horrible on me (haha). But now everything's okay!! :)

It's Wednesday night, and I'm about to go to Mass at the school with the family. We are all wearing our uniforms, an Anita made us all take showers, so I'm a little nervous. Every morning in the car all the boys say prayers and the first 10 minutes of school is dedicated to religion, and I just kinda sit there quietly and try to be respectful, but this is The Real Deal. If you don't hear from me again soon, it's probably because either God smote (smited?) me dead, or the congregation stoned me.... I'm just kidding. But I am a tiny bit afraid that I might embarrass myself. Hopefully everything goes okay!

Besos y abrazos,

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