Monday, September 26, 2011

[Creative title goes here]

Okay... It's been a couple days since I wrote anything and soooo much has happened since I last updated you all. It's been a crazy weekend!! So, I will now try really hard to remember everything that happened, and summarize it. Because I don't feel like writing a book today.

Friday night I went to a sleepover at a friends house with about six other girls from my class. And some of the guys from my class came over for a couple hours too. It was really really fun and it was super nice to get to know everybody more outside of school. And even though I still can't understand/talk much, I had a really good time. It was also really strange, because it was the first time I saw everybody in street clothes and not in school uniforms.

Claudia picked me up in the morning and the two of us went shopping together. It was really fun, and I got a pair of jeans (which I was in desperate need of), a shirt, and a couple pairs of tights for school. Afterwards we picked up Franco from his friend's house and then did some errands... And let me just say, I do not understand Chilean shops. The clothing store was weird enough, but I could figure it out because it was just clothes. But one of the places we went on Saturday... We were there for about an hour, and I spent the whole time trying to figure out what kin of place it was. It seemed to be a mix of a high-end boutique, a cafe, a coffee shop, somebody's house, an office, and a kinko's. And yet, not really any of those things. I don't know. It was confusing. That was the worst, but noneof the shops we went to that day really made complete sense to me. I suppose eventually I will figure it out.

After running errands, we came home and ate lunch, and then I slept for five hours, and probably would have slept until Sunday, had Claudia not waken me up around 7. After waking, I was immediately herded to a friends house for a BBQ, and as usual, I was not properly dressed because I had no clue where we were actually going.

The BBQ was pretty fun. Our friend, Diego, cooked a whole bunch of chorizo and beef and flatbread on the grill, and whenever a piece was done cooking he would cut it in to bite-sized pieces and we would all eat a few. We snacked like that pretty much all night, and it was delicious. Around 8 o'clock, the power went out through out all of Chile for about two hours. It was really scary, and I had no idea what was going on the whole time, although I don't think anyone really knew much anyway. So.. That was an adventure, to say the least.

Then the next morning I woke up incredibly early to get on the bus with the five other exchangers from Talca, to go to Santiago for our district orientation. I was not looking forward to it, because I was running on three hours of sleep, but it was sooo much fun. There are 69 other exchangers in my district, so it was kinda crazy. Unfortunately, instead of getting a whole weekend to get to know eachother, we had about 7 hours, and most of it was just going over the rules and stuff. But still, it was good. And it was really nice to be wih other kids who speak the same language as me, for once, but, also, it was really nice because when they (the kids who ctually were semi-fluent in spanish) were speaking in spanish, i could understand them way better than when Chileans speak spanish. And I discovered that I could actually understand a lot more than I thought I could! And, on the three hour by ride back to Talca, I had a lot of fun with the other kids from my club, and we are planning to meet up again soon, maybe this weekend.

So, yeah. That was my weekend. :)

Chao, Grace

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