Friday, June 24, 2011

Hey everyone! This is my first ever blog post, it's a little weird. In case you haven't heard all this (because I think I have done a pretty good job of telling everybody; I'm probably getting annoying by now 'cause I have a hard time talking about anything else :) ), I'll try to update you as well as possible.

Sometime in late August I'm going to Talca, Chile. It's about 150 miles south of Santiago, right in the middle of Chile. My host family tells me "it's a quiet town" but it's got almost twice as much people as all of Humboldt (200,000 people, ahhhh!!). I'm sure it will be anything but quiet. :)

Mi host familia es asombroso!! They are amazing :) We've been skyping a lot already (athough there is bit of a language barrier-- oh well it makes it funnier, and I am learning pretty fast).
My host parents are Emilio y Claudia, and then there is Emilio, Franco, Max, Seba y Domi. Yes, FIVE BROTHERS! I always wanted a brother, and now I have five! It's gonna be crazy. They live on a farm, have two dogs, and love to go to the beach. I will go to the Colegio San Ignacio de Talca, a catholic school.

Here's them on the first day of school, (which is completely weird, because it's in March, not September! It feels wrong! :) ) and at the beach.

Everything is gonna be completely different from how my life is now! I'm excited to get to experience all these new things :) I have already talked with a lot of the students at my school, and I love mi familia very much. Muy mucho. Everybody is so nice!

Alright, that's all for now. Adios! Te quiero mucho!
