Wednesday, September 21, 2011

3 Things That Made Me Say ´OH MY GOD´

1. I FOUND BROCCOLI!!! Yessssss!!!!!! I didn´t get to eat any... but now I have hope that broccoli does exist in Chile. There is an unspoken rule here in Chile, that if you don´t eat everything on your plate (or at least make it look like you ate everything on your plate), the host will be incredibly offended and think that you don´t like the food. At home, my family has learned by now that Grace has a small U.S.A. stomach, and I do not have to eat everything, thankfully. But, when I´m not with mi familia, I must eat everything on my plate before I can help myself to the not as important other foods, aka, broccoli. But I tend to get full before then! Hahaha. Oh well.

2. MY GRANDPA OWNS A SHOE STORE!!!!!!!!!! And he lives right above it!!! And I go to his house at least once every week for lunch! Ahhhh, this could get bad. But, mostly, this is freaking amazing. It's shoe heaven. Hahahaha.

3. This one is so confusing, even to me, that I cannot even capitalize it. There´s this English film festival thing for school, I really don´t know how to explain it... long story short: I get to be Sandy from Grease and dance "You´re the one that I want" during the halftime show. Please, please tell me that you are imagining me dancing this in leather and stilettos and rolling on the floor laughing. Because then somebody will be happy. Hahaha.

The funny thing is, Javier, who is going to be Danny, was picked because he has hair that looks sort of like John Travolta´s. I was picked because I have hair that looks abosolutely nothing like Olivia Newton-John´s, but is blonde. Being Sandy is one of the many, ummm, perks, that have come from being blonde in Latin America. I don´t even want to go into the others....

...I still have two days to say no to being Sandy...but I think I should say yes, because I´m a rotary exchanger, and we say yes to everything. Hahaha. This should be an adventure. Hopefullly someone films it!

I said 'hahaha'  way too many times in this post... I must be really tired...
Time for dormir,
Chao, Gracie


  1. jajajaja! tienes que dicer si´ !!!!!!!! sandy!!!!! espero que personas van a hacer un cinema de esto! te amo, sandy!

  2. when my mom was on exchange in Brazil they made her dress as George Washington just because they had the costume and she was from the U.S. haha must be a South American thing!
