Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Love Vegetables

For once, I went home during lunch (yes! Internet at lunchtime!) and food is on my mind....

Can I just start by saying how much I love carrots? I even have a list of reasons why:
Carrots are orange
Carrots are a vegetable
Carrots are not a starch
Carrots are not covered in salt
Carrots in espanol is zanahorias, and, c'mon, is that not fun to say?
Wow, I think I have some poem writing material right here.

I am beginning to grow a major sweet tooth. Not that I didn't have one before, but now it's a Chileanified sweet tooth. Which means I can now eat bananas covered in manjar or honey and actually enjoy it. It makes me wonder, when I come back home, will I be totally addicted to meat and potatoes, too, or will I never want to see another potato again? These are te questions that keep me up late at night... Not really.

I have been here three weeks already, and only this past weekend did I learn that in Chilean eating etiquette, you must keep both hands on the table. I am horrible at this. Pretty much at every meal, Claudia goes "Grace! Manos!" Thankfully, I am not the only one in the family who has trouble remembering this piece of etiquette, otherwise I would be really embarrassed.

Mmm.... That's about it for now...
Love, Grace


  1. oo los manos! this is good advice in many parts of the world.

  2. i am sure you will want to eat chilean food when you come back to USA!
