Friday, October 28, 2011

yes, I have an excuse


I've been a deadly combination of sick, tired and busy this past week, and I have either had no time to write or was just way too out of it to do anything that requires thinking.
These last few days, I have been starting posts and but not having enough time to finish them, because so much has happened in the last week that it takes so long to organize my thoughts, let alone actually write it all.
I went back and read all of my 'post beginnings' just now, and almost none of them actually made sense, because, like I said, I've been out of it.

I'm feeling a tiny bit better, and I think I have some time now, because Carolina is dead asleep in the next room (I'll explain later) so I'm gonna quick sum up where I last left off:

Friday night, my parents took me to Linares with Franco for a cousin's conception. I was kind of upset about having to go, because I missed a party, but ended up having a lot of fun. The actual ceremony didn't last too long, and afterward we went to a celabratory party that was really awkward at first because I didn't know anybody, but turned out to be really fun.

Saturday, I did my usual Saturday thing, which involved completos and shopping and hanging out in the center with the other exchange students. Pretty much, my favorite thing to do :)

Sunday, I went to church with the family, and then was told by Claudia that I needed a 'lazy day' which meant no computer or going into the center or hanging out with friends, which was a little sad, because thats exactly what I wanted to do, but it was sunny so I just layed outside in the sun and listened to music and slept. So it was alright.

Monday... I feel like something interesting might've happened on Monday? Shoot, I can't remember..? It was a school day, so... Oh! No, nevermind, I didn't do anything on Monday except go to school. Sorry for getting your hopes up.

Tuesday!!! Festival de Ingles! Dirty dancing!
Despite my extreme lack of practice, everything went.. well, as smooth as I could've hoped for. I feel like Chileans are really casual about things like that, what I mean, is, we didn't have a dress rehearsal or anything, and not really that much practice scheduled practices, either.

The dance went fine, except for three things. One, the performance before us consisted of my brother Franco riding a bicycle around the stage, for the Chilean movie Machuca. Because there were no dress rehearsals, we weren't told where to exit or enter the stage, and he exited right where we were supposed to enter, and blocked our way with his bicycle. So we were a little late, and didn't match the movie on the screen behind us. Two, I was the tinsiest bit late putting my arm up. But not that much. Three, I was soooo excited when it was over, that it was done, and almost perfect, that I did a little hopping/skipping thing off the stage which looks completely unprofessional, but probably I got away with it because everybody thinks I'm cute.

There will be a video!!! Once I get it.

Okay, that's it for this post I think, because Carolina's awake now.

(I'm spending yesterday and today with my Rotary counselor, Eduardo, and his daughter, Carolina, who went on exchange a few years ago to Windsor, CA. The two of us are going to go to something this afternoon, so I was writing this while I waited for her to wake up.)

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