Wednesday, October 5, 2011

mi amigas de intercambio son el mejor-est :)

Soooo, I feel like I haven't posted in forever, even though I'm pretty sure it's only been like three days. I have absolutely no perception of time here, which I guess is sorta okay, because it's SUCH a Chilean thing, to not know the time. They never know what time it is or care, and are late to everything. I don't think there is a single working clock in my house....

Nothing THAT interesting has happened....

I've been hanging out with my exchange friends a lot lately... which is awesome because they are crazy and amazing and I have the best times with them. Rotary would not be so happy, but I am becomming closer with my friends at school too, so thats good. :)

Lets see, on Monday, Robin, Franco, Taylor, Mayella and I went to go see Rise of the Planet of the Apes at the cinema, because they were having a special once-a-month deal where the movie was only 1,000 pesos, the equivalent of two dollars. But, it was all sold out. So we didn't see Planet of the Apes after all. But, we did go eat completos, (can i just say again how freaking awesome these Chilean hot dogs are?) and have a really good time anyway.

Today and tomorrow, the third year students are taking the Chilean equivalent of the SATs, so Robin and I don't have school. Today the two of us went shopping for an hour or so, and then met up with Kelly and Taylor and just hung out on the plaza. And laughed a lot. I have so much fun with those three. In fact, we laughed so much, that a random old man came up to us, and although he was really hard to understand, he told us something along the lines of "please calm down. when you laugh so hard I can't think anymore". But then he started talking to the air and asking random strangers if they wanted some of his churro, so we didn't take him too seriously...

Oh, and I bought new shoes! And they are awesome. :) And Robin bought a plain white t-shirt, and apparently he needs a gray sweater to go with it, (and I am in desparate need of some shirts) so we are going shopping again tomorrow with Taylor and Kelly.  Really, Robin is the most fashionable guy I have ever met. And, he has a batman shirt, and when he wore it the first time, he was like "Look, it's batman and Robin!". Ahhh, this kid is awesome.

By the way, you can buy the BEST churros here. There's this truck that makes them fresh and sells them, and by now, the churro guys recognize us so we don't even have to speak good spanish to order some. And they always give us extra churros because they are awesomely amazing. And because we are blonde. :)

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