Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lazy Thursday

Today I had a very lazy day, it was fantastic. Claudia let me stay home from school to catch up on sleep (which I really needed, yesterday I slept during EVERY class, a new record). I slept until noonish, ate breakfast, went for a run (which turned out to be a bad idea, it was sooo hot that I almost died... Usually I run at night, after school, so it's not a problem), ate lunch, and spent the rest of the day lying in the sun with Tonka, my puppy, and listening to music. I just finished dinner, and am now watching synchronized swimming with Max on tv while i drink my tea. Ohmygoodness, I feel so grown up and fancy writing "while I drink my tea"... I could go have tea with the queen and fit right in. Pinkies up, folks!

Anyway, this is what I really want to know:
Do these girls have things to help them breathe underwater, because, if not, they are mutants. And if they do, then how the heck can this be considered a sport? If I didn't have to breathe, like, if I was a zombie or something, I could synchronized swim too. It doesnt look that hard... Why does anyone like watching this? Half of the time, all you can see is their feet... They could be picking their noses under water, and you would NEVER know... AND, they are NEVER perfectly synchronized either. Whats up with that?
Now, what I think would be waaayy more interesting is if they did the whole dance completely under water and you could watch from behind a glass wall, like how it is at aquariums. This blog post is gonna revolutionize the world of synchronized swimming, just you wait and see...

Oh, by the way, Mommy, earlier Seba was watching with us, and he was telling me, in Spanglish, how stupid he thought "baile de piscina" is. And I thought of you and your swimming pool photos and started cracking up.

That's all, really. Sorry my day wasn't more exciting...
Love you all! --Gracie

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