Thursday, December 8, 2011


dear blog
i have absolutely no desire to write in you today. i didnt want to write in you yesterday either, or the day before, and i dont suppose i will want to upate you tomorrow either.

its too hot to do ANYTHING other than swim in the pool, or lay in the sun in my swimsuit. 

blogging doesnt seem to fall into either of those catagories...

...but, i suppose i should blog anyway, because you all are probably anxious, and otherwise i might forget things...

Anyway, saturday i went to a really fun party with Mayella and Taylor, one with a real band and everything, and then the three of us slept over at mayella's house (which, by the way, i found out yesterday that it will be my new house on the 28th. eep! but more on that later). 

i havent been doing much else lately besides swimming pooling and hanging out in the sun, as stated earlier, so i dont have much else to update you on.

right now im on my way to a end of school festival in which i am dancing withe the rest of my class to elvis presley. max is doing michael jackson with his class. im super excited for this!

this morning we had mass in school, and i read aloud one of the psalm-thingies! in front of the whole school! my friends said i had a bad american accent, but my english teacher and everyone else was super proud of me and said i did really good. yesterday i was copying down the passage so i could practice reading it later, and some of my classmates ewere like "what? you're reading that? but you cant read spanish" and then i read it for them, and they were supee surprised. oh, she CAN read spanish. yeah, thats right. haha. it was a good moment.

today is the day of the virgen and there is a big traditional celebration where practically every man in the city and a few girls too dress traditional chileno and ride horses up to a point in the mountains where the virgen is supposed to appear. franco participated, and i was supposed to until i realized it was the same day as the aforementioned school festival. i was glad i had already committed to the festival, my decision was made for me, otherwise i'd have had to choose one activity or the other and that wouldve been hard. i did get to see a little bit of the procession and get my picture taken on a horse, so that was cool. it was crazy, the horses were going down the main road out of the city, and there were horses as far up the road as you could see, there were so many of them. it was impressive.

i found out who my new family is! i've stayed the night at their house a few times and so i know them a little already and i know what my room is like and which collectivos to take and all that good stuff. and they are super nice. im gonna miss my family, especially seba and domingo and anita, my nanny, but there are a lot of things i cant do because of my location, and with my new family, those problems will be solved! yay! so im pretty excited for the move. 

thats about it. sorry for the lack of apostrophes and capitalization, i wrote this on my ipod on the way to the festival tonight.

Love, Gracie

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