Monday, December 12, 2011

Long Weeeeeeekendddddddd

this weekend was a little crazy. we had four days off of school, making it a six day weekend. thursday and friday were holidays for day of the virgen, and i have no clue why today (monday) and tomorrow are holidays, but they are. not complaining. wednesday night i spent the night at taylors house, and thursday we called up a bunch of friends and hung out at the plaza. it ended up being me, taylor, kelly, my friend pancho, and taylor's friend felipe, although robin and johanna came for a little while and my friends alvaro and jota came for little while too. so taylor and i were pretty proud of ourselves for hanging out with a lot of chileans, because sometimes thats hard to do. and we had a really good time and were able to converse mostly in spanish so it was all good. 

friday i spent at home in a lazy day. i went swimming for awhile, went on a walk, and wen it got cooler went for a run. and just hung out in the sun a lot. saturday i was supposed to go to an end-of-year celebation of my class, but, my classmates told me that it was at the house of Nacha, which i assumed meant her house... they didnt give me the detail that it was at her LAKE house, two hours away... so i couldnt get there. but it was alright. instead taylor came over, and we cooked brownies for my brothers, swam, and then watched scary movies with my brothers in the guest house. and then she stayed the night the next night too, and we did pretty much the same thing only franco had a friend over so we hung out with the two of them too. oh, and, after a lot of experimenting, we were finally able to make eggs CLOSE to the way her host dad makes them, and toast CLOSE to the way my nana makes them. they were delicious and almost as good as the real thing :)

and then today, the four of us (franco, felipe, taylor and me) took a collectivo into talca and taylor and i went shopping and hung out  and now im here sitting at the mall waiting for claudia to pick me up and writing this for my blog. so. 

oh, also, just now i took a collectivo for the first time ever by myself! because i was at the plaza and claudia wanted to pick me up at the mall. (although im not sure why, its been twenty minutes since she was supposed to pick me up, i might as well have just stayed at the plaza. oh well. chileans are always late). but anyway, i was very proud of myself. 

what else do i need to say..? my dad says everybody wants to know about random things like food, and that i should write about those boring (to me) things when i have time... so, here we go

food: for the most part, i eat similar things here as i did in the united states. what i mean by that is, we eat the same meals (fir example, spaghetti, chicken and rice, tuna noodle casserole, meatloaf, fish, soup, etc.) BUT, it tastes different. its a little blander, and, in my opinion, not as good as food in the U.S. (although i like chicken a lot more here, so there are afew exceptions). then, there's traditional chilean food. this includes completos (hot dogs, i've mentioned them before. delicious!),  carne (and A LOT of it), papas (fried bread with cheese  or carne/veggies inside... kind of), empanadas ( i think you know what those are. they are better in chile), choriso and choripan (sausage and sausage in bread), sopaipilla (a fried bread thing), churascos (another bread thing. the only churasco i've tried was not that good, but everyone else said that they have had good ones before, so i dont know) and.... i cant think of anything else. everyday for breakfast, i eat toast with butter and hot chocolate. lunch is the food mentioned above, and so is dinner, but we dont always eat dinner, sometimes you just have once (onsay? i dont know how its spelled.) instead, which is like supper, and consists of toast with butter and cold chocolate milk.  
to drink you have juice (usually from a powder and not to exciting, but when chileans do make real juice, itsthe best thing in the world. i've had raspberry juice and kiwi juice that was to die for) or soda (coca cola or fanta or chilean soda, pap) or water. i've never had any milk that wasnt chocolate milk. 

Okay, well, time to go. Hopefully you found that interesting. :)

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