Monday, November 14, 2011

Mountains and Aniversario and Rodeos and some other things

So, the mountains. Pretty much we didn't do much except hang around in the sun and talk, although all day Sunday we went to the carrera, the horse races, which was really exciting and fun, especially because Cami's horse raced and so did Roberto's horse, Banana. Banana won and Roberto made $30 betting on him, which he promptly lost half of betting on Cami's horse. Oh, and there was this beautiful horse called Don Simón, and normally I can barely tell one horse apart from another, but this horse was really the prettiest horse I have ever seen. And he was huuuugge! He raced the last race of the day, against this horse who was also gigantic (but less beautiful) and half of the audience said Don Simón won and the other half thought it was a tie, and I still don't know what the actual outcome was, but it was awesome to watch.
The other especially cool thing we did was visit the compound where all the goats are kept, and there was like a hundred of them, and about half were tiny tiny baby goats. And we found one that didn't have a mother, so it would come right up to us and try to suck our fingers. It was really cute. And none of the other mommy goats would let it have their milk, so Roberto started tackling them and holding them down so the baby goat could feed, and it was adorable and really funny too.

The other things we did were celebrate Cami's dad's birthday, walk around the mountains, play soccer, and just hang out. It was really really hot, so we were really really lazy. But it was fun! 

And Cami's family was super nice and they invited me to come with them again sometime and also to go to the beach with them this summer, and actually, they invited me to live with them, and I kinda wish I could but of course Rotary would say no. Not that I don't like my current family, because I do, but we just live so far away!

Then, last week was Aniversario, the anniversary of my school, which is pretty much like homecoming week. 
There's activities all week long and the school is divided up into two alliances, red and white (villains and heroes) and whoever gets the most points from the activities and such wins. There were races, soccer, basketball, volleyball, dances, mission impossibles, and beauty pagent-ish competitions. And some thee things that are harder to explain. I'm pretty sure my team (villains) lost but I'm not exactly positive because different people have been telling me different things so who knows. 

It was pretty fun, except that watching the teams play basketball was like torture. When you watch Chileans play soccer it's like "oh my god, these guys could be pros" and you just sit there kinda dumbfounded at how amazing they are. It's impressive. And then, you watch them play basketball... And you are a little embarrassed.. In their defense, they weren't playing on actual teams that had practiced together before or anything, and the high school boys team was actually decent (decent!) but the other three teams (high school girls, middle school boys, and middle school girls) well, it was hard to watch. especially the middle school girls, who went around like "oops, I dropped the ball and the other team grabbed it, oh well". It made me mad.

What else? Yesterday my family took me to the rodeo. It was quite an experience. What happens is two men on horses (there was only one woman in the whole rodeo, but i was excited to see even one) chase around a cow in a circle, until it gets really scared and crazy, and then they let it out into a bigger circle, in which they have to heard it to a section of the wall and then slam it up against the wall. You get points for doing it really fast and for slamming the cow the right way, and lose points if you go past the wall without slamming the cow or if you lose control of the cow. And if you can make yourself stop feeling sorry for the cow, it's actually kind of fun to watch. I was excited, because I was able to understand most of what the announcer said, so I could actually figure out what was going on. 

I'm sorry that I haven't been posting so much lately. The internet at my house has been terrible, and I haven't had any internet at all the past few days.

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