Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bipolar exchange students

Exchange students are very bipolar creatures. I am constantly going from normal happy to incredibly happy to extremely sad or grumpy (but mostly I'm normal happy, just so you know). Like today for instance. I was a little grumpy because I got in trouble with rotary (not badly, but apparently I sleep too much in class. Which is probably true. They weren't really mad, but I felt bad) and then, I was incredibly happy because I had five emails from you all back home, and then I was upset because it was raining super hard (partly because I always thought rain is a little saddening, and partly because Chilean houses do NOT have legitimate heating. By which I mean the heater is the stove) and then I was thrilled because we were having lentils for dinner and keke (pretty much a mix between yellow cake and cornbread) for desert, and I love both of those things so much, and then I was sad because apparently not only does rain mean cold, it also means that us country folks have absolutely no power, and then I was happy again, because the lentils were extra delicious, and then I was super excited because I understood a whole conversation in Spanish. And all of that happened in about two hours.

And right now, I'm happy that the powers back on, but mostly this terrible weather is making me kinda depressed. So I'll tell you all about the mountains when the rain goes away.

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