Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to make friends

Bring a jar of nutella to school, and everybody will magically become your best friend (except Francisco, who will hate you forever and not talk to you for the whole rest of the day). But Especially if you happen to be in a country (like Chile, for instance--imagine that) where half the population has never tried nutella. Poof, magic friends.

I could make an infomercial for nutella, I think. 

Oh that's something else! South American infomercials are even funnier/worse than infomercials in the U.S! I couldn't believe it, but it's true... They have me on the ground laughing at how bad they are.

Speaking of tv, today I watched 'one tree hill' for the first time in my life, because it was the only thing on tv that was in English with Spanish subtitles, as opposed to solo in Spanish, which of course I don't understand. I didn't understand MUCH of what happened in it, because I only saw the second half of the episode, and I'm not exactly sure WHAT the show is about, or why it's called one tree hill. But, this is what I thought: One, the boys weren't especially hot, but the girls all looked like movie stars. This is not realistic, and someone needs to fix it. Two, NOTHING happened that wasn't either sad or happily sad, and sad music played throughout the WHOLE episode. It was waayyyyy depressing. Three, not once did I ever see a tree on a hill. Four, all the parents look way way way to young to have kids that old. Unless there's a storyline I don't know about where every parent in the whole cast of characters got knocked up at sixteen.... Wait, maybe that happened. Yes, that's probably what's up. 

And you just witnessed my how my train of thought goes... On a good day. Usually it's a LOT more random than that, seeing as I'm normally scatterbrained and then add the fact that I'm trying to speak a new language and that I don't understand ANYTHING around me, and I make absolutely no sense at all. But that's okay.

Love Gracie <3

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