Wednesday, November 2, 2011


So, yesterday, for the first time since I've been in Chile, I was extremely homesick. I literally FELT sick, and I thought I was gonna die. But, even still, I didn't really want to go home... I just wanted my mommy :)

I think it mostly stemmed from the fact that one, I did absolutely nothing on Halloween, while all my friends from home (all you people) were out trick-or-treating and haunted housing, etc. And then I did absolutely nothing yesterday (no school) so I just had lots of time to think about how sad I was. And, two,  I started talking with other exchangers about how sad we collectively were, and all the things that bothered us about our families (usually I love my family to death, but when you are homesick, everything feels terrible), and while it was comforting to know I wasn't alone, it made my homesickness worse.

It's the second day of November! Which means I have been in Chile for two months! And, I have a jar of nutella (which is making me extremely popular at school, I've had it open for five minutes and it's halfway gone) and it's sunny and I feel so much better.

So yeah. That's all. Besos y abrazos to you all, and extra special besos y abrazos to my lovely mother for being her awesome mommy self.
Love, Gracie

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel any better, I was working on Halloween. :P I didn't dress up, go trick-or-treating or haunted housing. I didn't even go to the corn maze this year.
