Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Music that you won't understand the words to

Okay, so, concert the other night, good news and bad news.

Bad news: Somebody (cough, cough, KELLY) gave me bad information and the Wachiturros were not there.

Good news: Instead, a Chilean rock band who I absolutely love way more than I like the Wachiturros was there, and I was a very very happy little Gringa.

So that you can enjoy them too: Ven Aqui... Santiago de Chile... Llueve Sobre La Ciudad...okaaay, I'll stop at three if I must...

More good news: When Los Bunkers came on, Kelly and I managed to fight our way into the very second row, and WE WERE RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF THE STAGE. In the mosh pit, and the camera guy kinda got in the way of some of my pictures, but still, CAN YOU SAY AWESOMENESS??!

And: When Eyci and Cody (who are also very famous--impressive, Talca) played Te Amo Con Locura, I got up on a friends shoulders and screamed like the crazy fangirl that I'm totally not (pssssshhh) until my lungs pretty much fell off, and Cody and I definitely made some deep eye-contact there. Hahahaha. You would've been pretty proud of my pipes, Dad.

The whole thing was for Talca's Independence Week, and they had really big-name bands (I was really impressed, if I haven't already conveyed that) playing at the river all week, although I only went on Saturday night. And there was a crazy amount of people there.

The next day, I posted a facebook status about Los Bunkers, and a schoolmate who I'm not sure I even know responded "Oh, yeah, I saw you there! Second row, right?"
..I suppose I should be really used to that, since it happens all the time in the life of an exchange student, but mouth still drops to my knees every time somebody random happens to know every little detail of my life.
Oh, I don't know if I mentioned, but Kelly and I did make it onto National TV(!!!) that one time. And I didn't even get to see how stupid I probably looked, but I still have random people recognizing me. "Oh, you're that foreign girl who likes mote con huesillo?" or "GRACE, GRACE, OMG, I SAW YOU ON THE TELLY!!"

In other news, I have been doing absolutely nothing except watching a large amount of movies. And cooking really really creative meals because there's no food in the house at the moment. All of my friends (ALL OF THEM--exchange students and classmates) are on vacation.... and it's too, too hot to leave the house without the prospect of friends to meet.

And, yes, they celebrate Valentine's day normally here. But I spent it cuddling with my telly. Haha.

Love, Gracie

Happy happy happy birthday to the BEST man in the whole world. Love you, Daddy.

There is a un-proportionally large amount of views to the post where I mentioned horse [you know what] and it's a little disturbing. I suppose I should've forseen that. Also, people google search some really really disturbing things and I find it quite hilarious that they ended up reading this instead. Not exactly what you where looking for, was it? Now, get your mind out of the gutter! 

To whoever google searched "Does Chile have nutella?" why, yes, yes it does. And it costs, like, five dollars a tiny little jar. But, all the labeling comes in German, so it's totally worth it.


  1. Nutella with German labeling is the best. xD I might just have to get it imported from Germany when I go back to California, it'll simply be to weird to see the label in English after having lived out of 5 kilo jars of Nutella with German labeling for the year.

    The the note of searching, I have no idea who or why... but "angie's horny" and (even weirder) "house's peeing" have led people to my blog. At least my name is Angie... but 'house's peeing?' ... I'm so confused.

    Nonetheless, your blog always makes me laugh. (:

  2. Hahahaha I'm glad it's not just me.

    And, thanks, that means a lot. :)
