Friday, April 20, 2012

Hapa'o Tatou

Yesterday was my first day of school... it was... ehm, boring. My classmates are nice, but I'm in second year and they are all barely older than Nora and her friends... and a little, ehm, immature. But whatever. 

So, I was thinking "Okay, vacation-stage over, going back to reality world now where even though you live on an island you have to do normal things like go to school and face it, Grace, every day can't be an adventure.." ...and then my dad was like, "Grace, have you ever ridden a moto before..?"

It was decided that I should not be allowed to ride my own moto, which everybody will agree was definitely for the best. I'd be a terror to the roads, I'm sure. I got on the back of my dad's, and Bruno rode on his own little motercycle. And we were off! The whole time I smiled more and smiled bigger than I did on Easter Day: when I was just so happy to be with people I loved that I was smiling too hard to be able to answer any of Taylor's host dad's questions while Taylor had a laugh-attack at how stupid my face looked. We drove along the coast and the sun was just about to go down and it was oh my goodness soo beautiful, and we went so fast, the wind in your hair, and I couldn't stop smiling; it's a wonder no bugs landed in my teeth. We stopped at these underground caves in a grassy field, and it was really cool because, I'd been in bigger caves before, but not ones where people lived in! And you could still see stone benches/beds and fire pits and everything, and my dad told me that sometime we'd come back with a lantern and explore everything. And then he was like "Now we're going to see the part that tourists don't know about" and, of course I flipped out, because those are always the best. Of course. We walked a little ways toward the ocean, towards the edge of the cliffs. And then we went down this little cliff path that you couldn't even tell was there unless you were on it, and ended up in this cave built in to the edge of the cliff! I might be a dork, but looking out at the cliffs on either side and the ocean below, I couldn't help thinking of the cave from the 7th Harry Potter book... :) ... Anyway, there was a well-used fire pit and my dad explained that locals still come out here at night and have bonfires, and there was a path down to the rocks at the edge of the ocean where the Rapa Nui used to fish, and sometimes locals still did. It was crazy, and beautiful, and don't bother me about photos because I wasn't allowed to bring my camera on the moto, despite my protests. 

Every day IS am adventure here.

...Every day should be an adventure, no matter where you live.

Tonight I'm going to my first Rotary meeting and I'm a little nervous, because it will be my first Chilean Rotary meeting being the only exchangee in mh club, and, also, there are visiting Rotarians from clubs all over Chile (AND some from Argentina) at tge moment, and the first lady (Primera dama) de Chile is also going to be there! ...Bringing my camera, of course! 

And tomorrow my sister is going to introduce me to all her friends and then I'm going to the airport with my mom to greet all of MY friends who are coming for the Rotary Easter Island trip, and I couldn't be more excited.

On that note, I say "Goodbye, dear friends" because I have to go get all dressed up and get my blazer ready, because I have a dinner to attend! 

Chaoo, Gracie 

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