Friday, April 6, 2012

do, do do, do do dooo catching up---the second installment. da dahhhhh

...Somebody has a little time on her hands on this wonderful Easter Friday night....

That same girl, (hint: it's me!) went to the circus last night and had a marvelous time.

Once upon a time, a traveling circus lived outside my house, right down the street, to be exact, and everynight that begins with a T or an F or an S except Tuesday I would hear circus music and see the lights from my bedroom window, and always wished I was at the circus having fun too, but being silly, I never went. And then the circus packed up and left, and I was sad.

But yesterday I was in the collectivo coming home, and what did I see, but a new circus!! So I called up Taylor immediately, and said "No if's and's or but's, we are going to the circus tonight" and so we went to the circus.

It was called the Mexicans of Guadalajara (actually, el Mexicano de Guadalajara, but you get the point) and I went there with the intention of having a good time, which I did.

It was a little family circus, with maybe a dozen performers, the youngest of which was about two years old and absolutely adorable. The comedy was mostly slapstick, which can be good or bad, but I found hilarious.

The first act was a clown (who kept reappearing throughout the night) he did this act where he wound up a toy lion, but it wouldnt move. Then he got frusturated and threw it away, and switched to a horse, which would walk and then fall over. The whole time, I was like "Look! It's a dog in a stuffed horse costume! Wow, that's an awesome dog" and Taylor was all "that thing is way to good to be a dog, it's a robot" It was a dog. I won. And, it was a very, very, awesome dog. Then, there was a girl who could do some awesome things with hula hoops, and a contortionist (ugghhh, no me gusta) and this old lady who could not only swallow fire but could also breathe fire, and set her mouth on fire. That was hard to watch. During halftime, she sold us french fries, and her voice was so raspy that I thought she was a chain-smoking man. There were these incredible trapeze artists, more funny clowns, Mexican dancing, and this man who ran in a hamster wheel that spun around like, ummm, I don't know. Imagine a hamster wheel attached to the hands of a clock. Craziness. There were girls who spun around on rings from the ceiling and girls who twirled on curtains, and slapstick comedy so terribly hilarious that I could not stop laughing the entire 3 hour long show and I nearly died. There was this guy dressed up as this famous Mexican cartoon character, who had balls stuffed in his cheeks like a chipmunk, and everytime he'd smile and signal to the audience to clap, I'd die with laughter. Ohhh, his face! Plus, he had the most creative ways of falling on his face that I've ever seen. Then there was this man singing this extremely emotional heartfelt love song, and he was singing very very passionately, but the spot light guy would move the spotlight so he'd have to chase after it, and he went all over the tent, up the trapeze ladders, in the audience, everything. There was this really funny part where the light went to the audience and he jumped in this woman's lap and started his whole passionate singing thing, and then it moved to the other side of the audience and he jumped in this man´s lap and then screamed and jumped out, and oh, man. I only wish my words could make you laugh as hard as I laughed watching this. And the whole time, Taylor was smiling (only smiling! nothing more!) and she was like "Gracie, you're like a little kid. And it just makes me happy how happy this circus is making you." She didn't think it was funny. I have a better sense of humor.

Anyway, the point of the story was, I had a very very good time at the circus. Also, I ate circus french fries and circus  churros and they were amazing, and I also ran late and therefore forgot my camera. The end.

Now, I'm going to bed, because it's midnight and I'm getting over a cold. Sorry that I didn't catch you up more...

Good night!!!

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