Sunday, September 18, 2011


I am really upset. I just wrote the LONGEST BLOG POST EVER about how Chile's independence day, AKA today, the 18th of September is pretty much jus like the 4th of July without fireworks and how I tried lots of different scary types of meat and how I'm really sad because possibly a lamb was killed and how adorable Domingo and Sebastian were at church, and some other stuff, and it was really awesome and funny and looooong, and I hit the publish button 7 times, and the save button twice, and yet, the post did not publish, nor did it save, and so here I am, about to cry, because I have no post,

AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe, if I feel better, I'll attempt to rewrite it tomorrow. But maybe I won't.

CURSE YOU, BLOGGER! Please go die. Please. Por favor.

Or at least find me my post?


Ah, dammit. It took me three tries, to get this post published. And now my stomach is hurting, (probably from all that darn meat, I'm pretty sure some of it was raw) and I have a runny nose, and I am actually tearing up here...
I have to go before I do start crying...

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