Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pizza, pizza

This probably interests no one, but I just have to brag for a second here, I JUST ASKED FOR SECONDS ON MY DINNER!!!

Chileans eat a lot. Double that, because my family is full of boys. After every meal I have to spend at least five minutes convincing everyone that really, I'm not hungry anymore, and I really did like the food. Finally they realized that I have a smaller stomach and eased up on me a bit. But still, I've been trying really hard to eat everything served to me.

And tonight, I ate my *whole* mini pizza ad then ate another!! And Claudia was sooo proud of me.

So I really just had to share that moment.

Muchas amor, Gracie

P.S. Shea, I really hope this makes you think of a certain moment involving lasagna.


  1. haha it sure does. My birthday party, wasn't it? That was fun. :) I wish you could be here for it this year, but at least it's only gonna be my 17th. You will definitely come to my 18th. You will.

  2. Yes!!!!! The amazing Gracie does it again!!!! Keep eating, Grace, just keep eating.

    I'm not making any promises, Shea.
    Haha, just kidding.
